Bespoke Leftovers
I spent the past two days hustling to get two pieces ready to add to my booth at Morgantown Market. One of my fellow dealers bought my pair of Schloss nightstands the day I moved in! She picked them up this past weekend, so I had space for more. In addition to my cedar chest, I took over this record cabinet with Marc's help.

Now this cabinet is where you would have stored your records, not where a record player would have gone, like the Edison cabinet.
I'll give you two guesses as to where I got it, and the first doesn't count.
(Craig's List)
When it came time to decide on a color, I was hesitant. I kept vacillating between different colors in the MMSMP line, and then I realized I had a batch of blues that I had mixed up using the leftovers of Artissimo, Flow Blue, Kitchen Scale, and a bit of Eulalie's Sky. I combined what I had in a plastic container and thought this would be a fun little experiment to see what kind of bespoke color it would create.

Bespoke is an adjective that means "made to fit a particular person". While I didn't intentionally mix this ratio to suit my taste, I'm very pleased with the results and am eager to use my "accidentally" custom color again!
It brushed on beautifully and chipped a bit along the trim.

I went in and distressed a bit around the edges with some 100 grit sandpaper to enhance the rustic feel that was emerging.

After some staging, here's the final result:

I'm quite pleased with the color! It's a dusky blue that looks perfect on this piece.

For staging, I used an old window sash from our wedding, my large boxwood wreath for some color, two wooden candlesticks, and a small sign.

I didn't even mind keeping the original handles. Typically, I don't prefer these, but I didn't mind so much with this project. They seemed to work.

The back of the cabinet still has the original label (which is hanging on for dear life).

I'm starting to become a huge fan of preserved boxwood as well. It adds so much texture and color without needing much maintenance at all! Just a spritz every so often and it's good to go.

Just beautiful!

There's plenty of storage inside this piece, which adds to its versatility. It could function as a bedside table, in a family room, in your office, etc.

What a lovely "accidental" bespoke adventure!